Flower ArtStart – 4/30/14

Flower ArtStart - 4/30/14

Today we were able to choose any art off of artprojectsforkids.org and make it in Photoshop. I chose the Watercolor Flower Garden because it really jumped out at me. I love flowers and it looked like a lot of fun to make. The colors were extremely vibrant and really pretty so it seemed like a cool idea. The original art is made using watercolors, but I did my best to replicate it using Photoshop. This art isn’t from any particular artist, but it was created by Kathy Barbro, the owner of the website.

To make this art, I used a few different tools to get the watercolor effect. I used the paint brush tool and lowered the hardness and varied the size of it. I used the most vibrant and spring looking colors I could find. I also used the same tool for the stems and grass. With the stems I lowered the size quite a lot and raised the hardness to give it more of a real life effect. Once I had the basic structure down, I took out the pencil tool. I set it to black and made the size as low as it could be. I sketched out each individual flower with the pencil and gave them all a different shape and form. I added a few leaves here and there and didn’t sketch it out perfectly. It is supposed to be a watercolor painting so it makes sense that it is a little more abstract then geometric. I had a lot of fun making this artstart and look forward to looking through this website more. If you want to check it out, click on the picture and it will take you directly to the website! 🙂

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